Lisa Wong

  • Frozen Fruits

    Canada's Icewine & Ice Cider

    Between the woods and frozen lake, the darkest evening of the year.
    -Robert Frost

    …many people believe that none of the four seasons accurately describe the two months of darkness that all of Canada experiences in the months of July and August, so there’s now a movement to actually have a fifth season in Canada, and we have three names: the Slumber, the Equinox, or the Canadark.…

    • Jan 2, 2015
  • Somm vs. Scientist: How Winespeak Relates to Chemspeak

    The subject of wine bridges many different fields of study. Before developing a love for wine, I first acquired a love for science (albeit mostly due to the fact that appreciating science doesn’t have a legal age requirement), and when exposed to different disciplines or professions, one notices overlaps in terminology that, without clarification, can cause meanings to be lost in translation. The sommelier profession is…

    • Jun 9, 2013